Toenail Fungus

by | Remedy

Nutritional Supplements

Acidophilus supplements replenish the “friendly” bacteria that inhibit pathogens such as fungi. Take 1 teaspoon of acidophilus powder or two capsules on an empty stomach twice a day.

Take a multivitamin that includes the B vitamins and vitamins A and E daily.

Vitamin C increases immunity against fungi. Take 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C with bioflavonoids daily.

Zinc increases immunity, inhibits fungi, and helps to heal skin tissue. Take 50 milligrams daily, with food.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a good source of sulfur, which is believed to fight fungi. It is now available in cream or spray form to apply topically to affected areas.

Apple-cider vinegar applied to a washcloth can be rubbed between your toes to relieve the itch and remove scales and dead skin.

Herbal treatments

Calendula cream, ointment, or tincture diluted in warm water has anti- fungal, astringent, and healing properties, and can be used two to three times a day.

Drinking a cup of chamomile tea three times a day, and also applying the tea directly to the affected area with a cotton ball three times a day, should help.

Garlic extract is one of the best herbal antifungals. Take 6 teaspoonfuls each day. In addition, you can put raw garlic in a blender and apply it to the rash three times a day with a cotton ball. Dust your feet and shoes with garlic powder daily. Garlic’s antifungal properties have been documented by clinical studies, which show that people taking garlic have blood serum levels with significant antifungal activity.

Ginger tea, made from 2 ounces of fresh ginger root simmered in 8 ounces of water for twenty minutes, contains more than twenty different antifungal compounds. Drink a cup of ginger tea three times a day. You can also make compresses by soaking cotton in the tea and apply them to the affected area for five minutes three times a day

Goldenseal is a good antifungal agent. Add 5 drops of the tincture to juice and drink it three times a day. Or simmer 6 teaspoons of the dried herb in a cup of water for twenty minutes to make “tea”.  It is too bitter to drink but you can strain out the herbal matter and apply the tea to the rash with a fresh cotton ball three times a day

Drink a cup of lemongrass tea three times a day and also apply the used tea bags to the affected area. This should help toe nail fungus to clear faster.

Olive leaf extract has antifungal properties and helps to fortify the immune system. Take 250 milligrams three times a day.

Pau d’arco tea may be sipped three times a day to increase the body’s immunity and enhance lymphatic drainage.

A mixture of 2 tablespoons of pau d’arco tincture, 4 teaspoon each of tea tree and lavender tincture, 1/8 teaspoon of peppermint tincture, and 4 ounces of vinegar can be added to enough warm water to make a healing foot bath. Use this treatment three times a day, drying the feet thoroughly afterward.

Turmeric oil, diluted with two parts water to one part turmeric oil, can be applied to the affected area with a cotton ball three times a day to speed healing of your fungal infection. Additionally, you can take 300 milligrams of turmeric extract orally three times a day.

Mixtures of antifungal herbs work synergistically, or much better, than single herbs. One such combination would be  myrrh, tea tree oil, aloe vera, calendula, rosemary, and thyme.

Aromatherapy for toenail fungus

Add 10 drops of tea tree oil to a pan of warm water to make a therapeutic foot soak. Soak your feet for twenty minutes three times a day. Dry your feet completely afterward. You can then apply a few drops of oil directly to the rash. If you find it irritating, dilute it with an equal amount of vegetable oil. You can also paint tea tree oil on affected toenails twice a day to keep the fungus at bay. Remember never to drink this oil.

Myrrh, which has antifungal and astringent properties, can also be made into a footwash.

Add 10 drops of myrrh oil or 1 milliliter of tincture of myrrh to a pan of warm water.

Soak your feet for twenty minutes three times a day. Dry your feet completely afterward.

Caution: Do not use myrrh during pregnancy.


Apply slight pressure for ten seconds at the base of the little toe where it joins the fourth toe. Repeat this three times twice a day.
General Recommendations

Wash your feet twice a day, then dry them completely, using a new towel each time.

Wear white, 100-percent cotton socks and change them at least daily so that they stay dry. Wash your socks in chlorine bleach to prevent re-infection.

Place cotton balls in the webs between your toes to keep them open and dry.

Wear open sandals whenever possible to allow air to circulate between your toes.

Air out your shoes and sprinkle a powder containing antifungal essential oils (i.e. tea tree oil) inside them during flare-ups and afterward, to prevent recurrences.

Wear shoes when walking in gyms or pool locker rooms.

Do not share your socks or shoes with anyone.

Do not scratch your feet. This can only spread the fungal infection and increase the risk of a secondary infection.

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