Tea Ceremony: Transform Your Life Through Personal Ritual (DVD)

Learn about traditional tea ceremonies and how to create your own personal ritual to foster harmony in your life.

Herbal Medicine-making with Deserie Valloreo (DVD)

Herbal Medicine-making with Deserie Valloreo provides simple, easy-to-understand instruction and guidance on making your own herbal remedies.

Holistic Approach 1

Personal Stories of Triumph and Transformation Through Mind, Body and Spirit

This book is a must read for anyone who struggles with the current state of healthcare, feels frustrated with doctors and insurance companies, and seeks natural solutions to getting well and feeling better.

Holistic Approach 2

Personal Stories of Triumph and Transformation Through Mind, Body and Spirit

This book is volume 2 in the series containing additional personal stories of how the author overcame a physical or emotional challenge using a holistic approach.

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Watch our Featured Video

Home Remedies for Acid reflux

Also known as Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease (GERD), affects 20 percent of the U.S. population at least once a week. Eating the wrong foods and excessive emotional stress in the form of frustration and anger typically cause acid reflux.


Description Constipation occurs when stool passes through the large intestine too slowly. When stool stays in the large intestine too long, too much water is removed, and the stool becomes hard and...

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Fast, Easy Sinus Remedies

Sinus congestion, sinus pain, sinus headache, sinus infection, post-nasal drip -- can all be dealt with using simple, natural home remedies. Prior to learning about natural sinus remedies, I had...

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Eiusmod tempor incididunt

Nullam mattis nulla at nunc consequat sed vulputate purus imperdiet. Fusce lacinia est eget diam feugiat id imperdiet ante elementum. Donec turpis nibh, posuere quis lobortis quis, elementum vitae...

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Tempor incididunt

Etiam tincidunt, mauris non cursus elementum, nulla ante vulputate felis, eget rhoncus arcu felis sed eros. Maecenas nulla leo, egestas vel varius sit amet, posuere at enim. Ut semper sem ut purus...

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