The following are often the cause of yeast infections: emotional stress, general physical weakness, poor diet, hormonal changes, vaginal irritations, excessive douching, birth control pills, hormone pills, stressful sex, antibiotics, sulfa drugs, and other medications.
- Wear cotton underpants and avoid pantyhose
- Avoid intercourse
- Keep the area around the vulva dry
- Meals should center around grains such as brown rice, millet and buckwheat, soups such as miso, chicken and vegetable broths, and steamed vegetables (especially dark green leafy types).
- Avoid red meat
- Include lots of lemons and grapefruit in the diet, but avoid oranges.
- Drink 8 oz of unsweetened cranberry juice. Unsweetened cranberries and juice help restore acidity to the vagina
- Take probiotics daily containing L. Bifidus or Lactobacilli
- With each meal take a tonic drink made by mixing one teaspoon apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon honey in ¼ cup warm water.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages and sweets (except for the honey/vinegar water).
For Persistent Yeast Infection
- Insert a garlic suppository every 3-5 hours. Repeat for 3-5 days until infection is gone.
- When nothing else works, try boric acid suppositories or tea tree oil.
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